Game Development ---------------- [(Up)](../../ | _See also: [Games](../Games/, [Game Design](../Game%20Design/, [Game Assets](../Game%20Assets/ - - - - ### Web resources ### Game Architecture [unity - how best to structure/manage hundreds of \'in-game\' characters? - Game Development Stack Exchange]( ★ [Why code reflection became a must in game engines? - Game Development Stack Exchange]( ★ [How was a demo mode implemented in arcade machines - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange]( ★ [terminology - What exactly is a softlock? - Arqade]( ★ [exceptions - When to carry on with a buggy game state versus terminate the process? - Game Development Stack Exchange]( ★ [javascript - Immutable.js: Data structure to represent 2D game field - Stack Overflow]( ★ ### Physics and Animation [unity - What is the standard practice for animating motion \-- move character or not move character? - Game Development Stack Exchange]( ★ [deWiTTERS Game Loop -- Koonsolo Games]( ★★★ [physics - Fixed timestep game loop, why interpolation - Game Development Stack Exchange]( ★ [Fix Your Timestep! \| Gaffer On Games]( ★ [Integration Basics \| Gaffer On Games]( ★ ### Tools [Jamagic: A good idea that faded away - Kartones Blog]( ★ [3DEL: All engines]( ★ [Unity - Manual: Order of execution for event functions]( [XPMCK - Cross Platform Music Compiler Kit]( ★ ### Repositories [s-macke/VoxelSpace: Terrain rendering algorithm in less than 20 lines of code]( ★★★ _(in [Programming Languages](../Programming%20Languages/ [UnrealVerseGuru/VerseProgrammingLanguage: Verse Programming Language - Functional logic language developed by Epic Games - all informations, official resources and snippets]( ★ ### Books Game Engine Architecure (1st Edition) (online @ []( (borrow @ []( ★ [💭](commentary/ Game Engine Architecure (2nd Edition) (borrow @ []( [💭](commentary/ Game Programming Patterns (online @ []( ★★ [💭](commentary/